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Ilkley Traditional Thai massage

Opening hours

7b drill hall business centre, Ilkley, LS29 8EZ



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About us

Hello, my name is Nuanchan Anderson and I am a Traditional Thai Massage Therapist practicing in Ilkley, West Yorkshire. I am writing to introduce myself and tell you about the work I do.
Prior to moving to Ilkley I had been study at WATPO Traditional Thai Medical Massage school Thailand seeing wide variety of patients. I’m excited to bring my skill set work with the dedicated health professionals in the area.
Massage therapy is a multi-modal clinically-oriented healthcare option that has been show to improve quality of life for patients with a variety of condition. In-fact recent clinical practice guidelines suggest that massage therapy is a preferred treatment option for patients suffering from back pain, knee osteoarthritis, neck pain, fibromyalgia, headaches or migraines.
It is my intention to use massage therapy to support each patients’ health care plan and to provide quality care for all patients. I work with a variety of conditions and create a customized, outcome-driven treatment plan for each patient to address their health needs. Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of this information in depth, or if you are looking for a professional, dedicated qualify Traditional Thai massage therapist.

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